This site started as an idea shared by Scott Gordon, Renee Olson, and Juliann Reynolds. It is now run by a team of dedicated members including Scott Gordon, Margaret Young, Marvin Perkins, Chris Kite, Dana King, and Darius Gray.

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I need to find some information on a LDS church in Accra, Ghana
There are a lot of us black LDS bloggers out there, who would love to have some support! 🙂 Also, Facebook groups! (black latter day saints)
My blog is for LDS converts, investigators, RM’s and just lifelong members or anyone interested, but my main focus is on the investigators and converts. I provide insight on what it is like being a convert, and also things that I learned. Check them out!
Natalie Warren
Can you please send me information on how you become one?
What are the beliefs? I heard some negative stuff about later day saints. I had some strange things happen to me even as a child. After taking an angel healing course, I found a little about later day saints. The experience sound similar.
I want to know what happen to Mary Sturlaugson Eyer the author of A Soul So Rebellious, I wanted to know what happen to her, is she still alive, I know she had a daughter, what happen to her and her husband John Eyer. I love her books went to a lot trying to get them because I want to share them with my children, if anyone has any information please let me know.
How do I become a member in order to sign in?
I just watched a very interesting video on Youtube by Wayne May. It is entitled, “The Jaredites…Who are They? He refers to a statement made by Joesph Smith at about the 53 minute mark that the Jaredites are descendants of Ham! He presented it in October, 2013 so you may have already heard of it. If this bears out to be truthful it would be fantastic. Please let me know what you think of it. Good luck to all of you and God bless you. 🙂
I just don’t understand how we can’t be a part of a community that once upon a time we were enslaved to.
I was impressed by the comments of Marvin Perkins, Paulette Payne, and another gentleman when hosted by Jennifer Napier-Pearse. I look forward to finding more about their organization.
Roy Atkin
How can I obtain a hard copy of Marvin Perkins discussion on skin color. I found it extremely informative and in harmony with the Spirit.
Thank you so much for the great research and presentation.
Sid Smith
Thank you! Please see
Here is a way that we honored the builders of this nation and our communities:
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Thanks for your comment. You can google her name to see posting about her and some comments from her.
Please see and for the official church websites.
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How to I cite the Black History timeline in MLA format?
My request was ( When was black people first mentioned in History? it never said the bible!!!!!! Suprise me.
Why are 5/8 of the team members white?
Hi Rae, I have sent your question to technical support. Sorry I do not know the answer. In the meantime, you could copy the URL and note the source.
My understanding from science is that we are all genetically and culturally linked to ancestors in Africa. My understanding from the Gospel is that we are linked in the spirit as sons and daughters of God and as brothers and sisters. I have learned from African-American ministers and other scholars of many righteous and historically noteworthy people in the Bible who are typically viewed as Black. I have also learned how colors are used in different ways at different times and places. “White” is at times used for purity, cleansing, and brightness. It is also used for sickness such as leprosy and for hypocritical covering of filth such as “whited walls”. As far as skin color, I would say we typically are just different shades of brown.
A good question with several ways to answer. The photo was taken several years ago and our team has grown where you would see more people with fuller shades of brown. We have people involved around the country and in a couple of countries in Africa and have not been all together to take a photo.
In the photo, one person you and society typically views as white was providing technical help and now is on a different assignment.
Love this web site! Please start a page on Facebook so I can better help get the word out about it. God bless!
black history did not begin in American slavery….please try to do better…most blacks will not support you teaching our children this non-sense….this is 2016… I can’t believe you have black members on your staff….this is so sad.
Hi Kemet, my understanding from science and from ancient texts is that all mankind has roots in Africa. In this sense, Black History goes back as far as history goes. In our history timeline, perhaps we should rename it to refer to Black US History? The 1619 date is found in the following Wikipedia article and other sources:
What would you recommend as a starting point or renaming?