Author name: Scott Gordon

Church Statement Regarding ‘Washington Post’ Article on Race and the Church

Go to: or See also or Fortunately, there is a solution that combines both the portability of dental floss with the effectiveness of a water flosser. Introducing, the cordless water flosser. This review aims to help you determine the travel water flosser for your needs. Below, we provide an overview of what features you […]

Church Statement Regarding ‘Washington Post’ Article on Race and the Church Read More »

Church reaches out to minorities

See this article: By Hamil R. Harris, Published: February 17 The Washington Post It was Sunday morning, and the church was filled with more than 200 men, women and children, praying, singing and testifying.“I have been searching for a faith all of my life,” Melvin Davis, 60, of Southeast declared from the pulpit. The grocery

Church reaches out to minorities Read More »

Latter-day Saint Mayor runs for President in Mali “In this audio interview, BYU graduate Yeah Samake shares the story of his father’s vision for education which raised an entire family from hunger to prominence.  We’ll hear how his actions eliminating corruption as Mayor of a small town brought him to the attention of national leaders in Mali, and what he hopes to

Latter-day Saint Mayor runs for President in Mali Read More »